Laser Stacking - Why you achieve more in less time.

What is DermLase Multistax ™

Every person's skin issues are unique, as they are influenced by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, environment, and personal health history. Restoring skin health, luminosity and uniformity requires individualised treatment. Many of our patients want to see noticeable improvements as quickly, safely and efficaciously as possible.With advanced laser technology and improved understanding it is now possible to achieve results that previously required multiple sessions in just one session.

DermLase Multistax ™  is an innovative treatment dersigned originally by NSDL dermatologists. It involves safe sequential stacking of a bespoke series of lasers specific to your personal skin needs achieving dramatic results in one session as opposed to multiple sessions. Our clinic is unique in that we have every wavelength of technology available to us so we can manage all skin problems.

What to expect after a treatment

The expected downtime of 5-7 days (if intense 10days) is well worth the results achieved and can be minimised by adhering to our specific aftercare instructions. .Upon completion, you will look like you have a sunburn and will feel hot. You will be able to resume normal activities immediately. You can apply makeup starting the day after your treatment. Redness and swelling can be expected and may last 3-4 days, depending on the level of treatment.Prolonged ‘pinkness’ for 4 weeks can occur with more intense treatments.After the first 48-72 hours your skin may begin to peel or have a sandpaper like texture with bronzing of the skin. This will begin to shed or flake and take approximately 4-7 days to resolve

Healing Diary after DermLase Multistax ™

Learn more about laser stacking treatment with Dr Wines - phone 02 9958 1555 or email