Skin Cancer & Melanoma

Photograph of a melanoma skin cancer.

Australia still has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world.

Two-thirds of Australians by the age of 70 years will be diagnosed with a skin cancer. There are many different types of skin cancers, melanoma being the most fatal. It is essential that a qualified dermatologist checks your skin to ensure that you do not have a skin cancers as skin cancers and melanoma can be subtle and require many years of training & experience to detect.

Regular skin checks are recommended for most Australians, especially those with a family history of skin cancer.

Before & After Gallery

Melanoma pre and 6 weeks post excision.

Melanoma pre and 6 weeks post excision.

Melanoma Scalp pre & post surgery.

Melanoma Scalp pre & post surgery.

There are an increasing number of non surgical options for superficial NMSC. See results of Laser Assisted Photodynamic therapy below

Before & After

Learn more about skin cancer treatment with Dr Wines - phone 02 9958 1555 or email


All medical and cosmetic procedures involve some risks. The information provided here is for general educational purposes only. For specific advice regarding your situation, please book an appointment with Dr Nina Wines.